Tuesday, March 30, 2010

So here it is...

Sorry for the delay... I've been taking one of the most wonderful naps of my life.

Earlier today we spent three hours at my first doctor's appointment. I waited forever to do the ultrasound first, nervous out my mind, with my complaining husband and fussy little princess in the waiting room. Finally, we got in.... and there he/she was- my pea!

I was excited, but not nearly ready to feel okay. The heart rate was a good, steady 136! And then she started asking questions. How normal are my periods and how sure am I about my last period date? Apparently my pea is measuring 10 days behind his/her expected schedule making it only 6 weeks 6 days and giving me a due date of November 17th. The woman reassured me with the fact that the heart rate was good.

I returned to the waiting room where I waited to have vitals checked. Then I went BACK to waiting room to wait for my room. Everyone at this hospital is incredibly kind. I am amazed that I ever dealt with all that I did at the OB office I went with the princess. I couldn't be more impressed. I saw the nurse practitioner who explained to me that she thought the blood was coming BEHIND my sac and shouldn't be cause for concern. I had a physical exam and then blood work. It was exhausting.

My levels were checked and will be checked again in two weeks when I go back for another ultrasound to measure the baby again and see if the problem of the blood has resolved itself. The appointment is on the princess's birthday. I've been put on 'pelvic rest' which is a fancy way of saying 'no sex!' but not on bed rest, thank God. So now I wait again.

My pea has a healthy beating heart and I am so thankful. Now I just hope that in two weeks my levels have doubled and my pea has grown! Please hope with me. Love you all.... and here's my pea! :)